Designed by Graphical | Thank you to everyone who helped in the creation of this book: Editor in Chief Franciska Kosman, Gady Gronich, Shorena Mikava, Simon Shulman (Graphics) and Eli Itkin (Photography). A special thank you to Mr. Anno August Jagdfeld for sponsoring this book. Your commitment to the freedom of Europe’s Jews was also demonstrated last year, at the Conference of European Rabbis’ 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner in Amsterdam, when you spoke fearlessly about the vital space that is reserved for Europe’s Jews. Your declaration that ‘there is no Europe without Jews’ is encouraging, and a message that needs to be repeated, especially at this time. Commissioner Timmermans, we are honoured and privileged today to present to you in the name of the Jews of Europe the Lord Jakobovits Prize of European Jewry. C o n f e rence of European R a b b i s