Conference of European Rabbis Annual Review 2017-2018 (5777-5778) 37 Objectives and Background Hulya, a think-tank uniting community activists and rabbis from the East and West, seeks to redefine the means to retain and re-invigorate the European Jewish community, which is still in the process of rebuilding itself after the horrible years of the Holocaust and the long years of religious persecution under communist regimes. Hulya aims to support the development of the European rabbinate and of cultural life, education and worship in harmony with Jewish tradition, by organising classes, conferences, seminars, debates, social gatherings, exhibitions, film screenings or other activities likely to meet its purpose. It also aims to: –  support the organisation of social welfare activities; –  promote the production of books or publications; –  arrange cultural trips aimed at maintaining the memory of traditions, cultures and historical facts; –  encourage pupils, students, artists and authors, by awarding scholarships. Key personnel F O U N D E R S A N D B O A R D M E M B E R S Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt Chief Rabbi Avichai Apel Chief Rabbi Shmuel Ricardo Di Segni Chief Rabbi Bruno Fiszon G E N E R A L D I R E C T O R Albert Aflalo, Director Hulya works in the following areas: T R A I N I N G YO U N G R A B B I S Hulya organises annual seminars for young rabbis in a range of European cities on selected topics. This is an opportunity for the young rabbis to network and learn from rabbinical leaders. O R G A N I S I N G A N D I M P L E M E N T I N G C O M M U N I T Y S H A B B AT O N I M A N D FA M I LY R E T R E AT S E M I N A R S The aim is to gather community members to experience Shabbat meals together and to spread the foundations of Judaism through courses or conferences. G A N M ATA N E L Hulya encourages the creation of new Jewish kindergartens where there are none. Gan Matanel is run on traditional grounds under the supervision of a rabbi, in the spirit of the movement Ganim Mamlakhti Dati in Israel, through immersion in modern Hebrew, encouraging a questioning approach, and introduction to Jewish music. B E S T P R A C T I C E Hulya wishes to stimulate innovation in Jewish education. Practices that have been in place and that are considered suitable to be brought to the public’s attention receive an incentive for three years up to €10,000, subject to certain conditions. M I K V E H M ATA N E L Hulya encourages the creation of new mikva’ot in communities that do not have one. Mikvah Matanel complies with halacha and meets the requirements of Haredi, Modern Orthodox and Chabad standards. G R E E N S H A B B AT O L A M I T Hulya takes part in the global Shabbos Project. It encourages members of communities to plan events ranging from communal candle lighting, singing and hospitality. Hulya gives an annual prize of €10,000 to the community or group organising the most innovative, enriching and original Green Shabbat Olamit. T H E M ATA N E L AWA R D F O R T H E P R O M I S I N G E U R O P E A N YO U N G R A B B I Hulya grants two annual awards (of €18,000 and €10,000) to young Rabbis who lead communities and bring them to a great level of study and practice and propose innovative programmes to attract unaffiliated Jews to religious services, as well as to communal activities. PA R C E L S F O R J E W I S H F E S T I VA L S Three times a year, each rabbi may apply for up to 50 parcels to distribute to his community.