Conference of European Rabbis Annual Review 2017-2018 (5777-5778) 27 2 0 1 8 E V E N T PA R I S T H E 2 0 1 8 E V E N T The most recent event, was held in Hôtel de Ville, Paris, which was under the patronage of the Prime Minister of France, Mr. Édouard Philippe and Mrs. Anne Hidalgo, the Mayor of Paris, brought together talented and ambitious entrepreneurs to encourage using the internet for social good. First Prize awarded to Israeli born Moaz Ben Ari, whose creation of the CardioScale Ltd. system revolutionises patient care by allowing medical professionals to predict deterioration in patients in emergency situations and to prioritise medical care and evacuation in casualties to save lives. Two runner up prizes were awarded to applicants from Germany and France, whose creative solutions range from a Smartglass application that assists individuals living with disability and mobility challenges to live with greater independence, to INERGYS, an innovative and sustainable system of wind turbines which generate renewable energy sources. Attendees of the ceremony were addressed by Keynote Speaker Mr. Mounir Mahjoubi, Secretary of State to the Prime Minister for Digital Affairs who remarked: “Why have children of immigrants often gone on to be entrepreneurs? Once you have travelled and built from nothing, negotiated between your country of origin and a new country and culture, and redefined your nationality to build a new heritage, generally speaking you find all the qualities of entrepreneurs: bravery, endurance, stamina and solidarity – that’s what we find in entrepreneurs. That is why I always say, entrepreneurs can foster peace.” The Rabbi Moshe Rosen Prize The Rabbi Moshe Rosen Prize was awarded to Lithuanian novelist Ruta Vanagaite, whose novels have challenged her nation’s understanding of its treatment of Jews during the war. Last year the prize was awarded for former French president Nicholas Sarkozy. Goldschmidt thanked Timmermans and Tajani for their support for religious freedom in Europe but warned against “the sinister undercurrent [of hate] in a society that many of us hoped was consigned to the past.” 2 0 1 8 P R I Z E W I N N N E R S M O S H E R O S E N P R I Z E TO M R S . R U TA VA N A G A I T E I N 2 0 1 8 I N T H E G R E AT S Y N A G O G E O F E U R O PA I N B R U S S E L S