The Conference of European Rabbis (CER) is dedicated to fostering vibrant Jewish life across Europe through various initiatives. Community rabbis often require expert assistance in multiple areas to provide comprehensive religious services to their congregations. To meet these needs, the CER has established specialised departments, each led by seasoned professionals with extensive knowledge of European Jewish communities.
Courses, Programmes & Seminars for Rabbis, Rebbetzins & Community Leaders
The CER is committed to enhancing European Jewish communities by nurturing their physical infrastructure and developing the individuals who lead Jewish communal life. We believe that strengthening community leadership requires a blend of Torah study, connection with Torah scholars, professional training and cultivating a strong network of leaders for mutual learning and support. The Division for the Development of Rabbis and Communities is devoted to supporting rabbis in their continuous learning and growth throughout their tenure. We offer a variety of courses and training programmes specifically designed for European rabbis. These programmes, led by senior rabbis and expert professionals, are tailored to meet their unique needs. Moreover, the CER recognises and values the vital role of community rebbetzins, offering them professional training in various fields. We also provide courses on diverse topics for other community role-holders, equipping them with the essential knowledge and tools to excel in their roles.
Resilience refers to the ability to cope positively with stress and crises, adapt successfully to life circumstances, maintain functional competence, and recover from difficult situations. In the wake of increasingly complex contemporary challenges, we are recognising the importance of both personal and communal resilience and the crucial role of rabbinic leadership in developing these essential capacities within the community. The CER conducts seminars to develop community resilience, guided by experts from the International Resilience Centre. Participants in these seminars will receive professional tools for crisis management within the community and for developing personal and communal resilience. The seminar addresses issues such as managing personal and community stress, building personal, communal, and organisational resilience frameworks, creating internal support systems and addressing current challenges in the wake of recent events.
Kashrut supervision in industrial plants requires extensive halachic knowledge and a deep understanding of the industrial world. Often, kashrut supervision in industrial settings raises issues irrelevant to domestic or communal kitchens. In a designated course led by kashrut experts in Europe, we invite rabbis to join the kashrut network of the CER as industrial kashrut supervisors. Participants in the course will study recent halachic rulings based on past and present leading halachic authorities. They will explore the role of the rabbi as a supervisor for a regulated kashrut body and visit factories to gain firsthand knowledge of the production processes and raw materials used in the food industry.
The rabbi and rebbetzin of a community play a critical role across a wide range of areas. Their role combines religious and communal leadership with shaping the social and moral atmosphere of the community. To ensure the community remains a safe and protected environment, especially for children and youth, we must employ a variety of prevention and intervention methods.
In a specifically designed training for rabbis and rebbetzins in European communities, we will learn how to strengthen safeguarding practices and prevent harm.
The training will cover topics such as:
The training is conducted in collaboration with ‘Haruv Institute’ and subsidised by the CER. The programme includes Zoom sessions and a joint in-person seminar
Promoting peace among individuals and couples is a vital challenge rabbis and community leaders face.
The Mediation and Conflict Resolution Course, specifically tailored for community rabbis,
equips participants with the knowledge and tools needed to mediate disputes, lead their communities wisely, and effectively prevent conflicts.
The four-month course is led by mediation experts recognized by the Israeli Ministry of Justice.
The CER offers partial subsidies for members participating in this course.
Community rabbis and rebbetzins dedicate their energy and efforts to serving their congregants, often at a significant personal and familial cost. The physical and mental burdens they carry frequently require them to also attend to their own well-being.Recognising this reality, we offer specialised workshops on personal coaching for rabbis and rebbetzins. In these workshops, participants engage in individual and group processes under the guidance of experienced coaches. The workshops focus on strengthening personal, marital, and familial relationships, aiming to enhance the well-being of rabbis and rebbetzins and enable them to be a stronger source of support for their community members.
Community rabbis in Europe face mounting challenges.The growing disconnection from Jewish heritage, assimilation, antisemitism, and various social and economic pressures combine to create a complex environment for community leaders. Effectively navigating these demands requires responses rooted in prudence and courage, guided by deep faith and a commitment to Torah values.Recognizing the vital need to equip community leaders with practical tools and skills, we have developed the Rabbinic Leadership Training Programme for European communities.This programme focuses on empowerment, personal growth, and skill development to enhance rabbis’ abilities to act, impact and inspire positive change within their communities.Experienced rabbis and professionals oversee the programme, providing participants with personalised guidance throughout and after the course.
The programme encompasses three key elements:
Participants will join a well-established rabbinic network, fostering meaningful connections and collaborations across Europe.
The year-long programme includes weekly three-hour Zoom sessions and several seminars.
It is tailored for rabbis serving in communal and educational roles in Europe, and admission is subject to an interview process.
As of 2024, three cycles have been completed, with approximately eighty rabbis participating.
Community rabbis engage in a wide range of activities. Aside from providing spiritual leadership, halachic rulings and leading the synagogue, rabbis often serve as a source of advice and support in many’s personal and family lives.
Furthermore, they are frequently tasked with initiating, organizing, and managing community projects.
Over time, many rabbis gain invaluable experience but may also face burnout and increasing challenges despite being pillars of support for others.
The Senior Rabbis Programme aims to build the next generation of leading rabbis in Europe. It focuses on personal development, professional content, and expert guidance.
This programme brings together a supportive group of experienced rabbis committed to continuous growth.
The year-long programme includes a weekly half-day Zoom study session and a monthly in-person study day and workshop.
To apply, send email to: dbasok@rabbiscer.org
How to combat antisemitism?Various governments and organisations combat antisemitic symptoms by taking measures against violence and expressions of hatred.We choose to tackle the root of the problem by focusing on education, dialogue and public awareness.As part of this effort, we have established the Ambassador Team of the Conference of European Rabbis.
Establishing a Jewish home presents a significant challenge for many communities.Various efforts have been made in this area through local matchmakers, targeted events for singles and a range of dating websites, which may not necessarily meet the needs of every community or sector.To address this, the CER has set up an international matchmaking network designed to assist Jewish individuals and families across Europe.This network integrates personal interactions with local representatives who are familiar with the candidates and a computerised system that displays information across all representatives.The new website, available in four languages, enables users to enter candidate details and search for suitable matches.We believe that this initiative is crucial for the future of our communities and will significantly contribute to strengthening European Jewry.Recognising the importance of this project, the CER and participating communities will jointly fund the activities of the local coordinators. Representatives will receive comprehensive training in using the website and participate in matchmaking-focused workshops.To register as local representatives: https://forms.gle/GAUKsM6w5L5PSQdC7
The Rebbetzin Development Programme is a key initiative within the CER Rebbetzin Department, dedicated to empowering rebbetzins and recognising their essential role in community leadership.Over the course of a year, participants engage with enriching content designed to enhance their spiritual, professional and social dimensions.The programme also provides access to a supportive network, benefiting both the rebbetzins and their communities.The programme is led by Rebbetzin Yemima Mizrachi, with content delivered by Rebbetzins Ilana Epstein and Gitty Spitz. So far, over forty rebbetzins across various communities have participated in it.A new cohort of Russian-speaking rebbetzins will commence in the summer of 2024.
Programme Coordinator: Mrs. Danielle Chaimovitz-Basok dchaimovitz@rabbiscer.org
Upon completion of the initial programme, graduates have the opportunity to further their professional development and expand their networks through regular monthly sessions. These sessions serve as a valuable platform for strengthening connections, exploring pertinent topics, collaborating on projects and initiating joint activities to benefit their respective communities.
One key challenge facing rabbinic families in Europe is the chinuch of their children.In many European communities, there remains a lack of educational programmes tailored to the needs of families committed to Torah and mitzvot.The CER is pleased to announce the launch of an online Kodesh studies programme.Classes will be held weekly throughout the school year in small groups of students of the same age who speak a common language.The CER will subsidize the programme.
Contact: Danielle Chaimovitz-Basok dchaimovitz@rabbiscer.org
Rabbinic Leadership Training Programme graduates can further their development through the Alumni Programme. This initiative fosters connections and collaborations among rabbis while providing a unique platform for learning from distinguished Talmidei Chachamim and professionals. Alumni will participate in monthly Zoom meetings and an annual seminar, ensuring growth and support.
This course is offered in collaboration with the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the Kosharot Institute, which specialises in the laws of kashrut and promotes public awareness of kashrut. The course focuses on kashrut issues relevant to community kitchens and restaurants and is designed for community rabbis and kashrut supervisors working in public kitchens abroad. Held weekly via Zoom for over four months, the course currently hosts around eighty participants. It is conducted in three languages: Hebrew, English and Russian.
This comprehensive course is led by the International Halacha Institute (IHI) in collaboration with the Olami organisation. It covers the laws of Chuppah and Kiddushin, along with related topics and combines self-study with Zoom sessions over the course of a year. Rabbis who pass the exams will be qualified to conduct Chuppah ceremonies under senior rabbinic supervision and receive a Chuppah and Kiddushin officiation certificate. CER members are eligible for a significant discount on course fees.
Community volunteers often perform the sacred duties of the Chevra Kadisha. It is essential to deeply understand local customs and the laws and practices related to purification and burial.This training programme is designed for rabbis and members of the Chevra Kadisha across various communities. It is offered in partnership with the Ministry of Religious Services and facilitated by Chevra Kadisha experts from Israel.
This course is designed to train rebbetzins and other female community members to become certified mikveh attendants. The programme covers the halachic and practical aspects of the mikveh and immersion process. During immersion, participants will be trained to identify and handle sensitive situations related to women’s physical and mental health. The course is conducted in English and Hebrew and is offered in collaboration with the Ministry of Religious Services and the Eden Institute. Graduates who pass the final exam will receive a mikveh attendant certification.
The intricate art of STAM writing— encompassing Sifrei Torah, Tefillin and Mezuzot—is a meticulous craft that demands skill and expertise.Rabbis are often tasked with inspecting Torah Scrolls and Mezuzot, making mastery of this craft a valuable asset. Rabbis interested in acquiring this expertise can enroll in a comprehensive ten-month course in STAM writing. Led by seasoned specialists from the International Halacha Institute (IHI), the course covers the essential theoretical knowledge and practical skills required for the profession. The CER offers partial financial support to its members for course fees.
Promoting peace among individuals and couples is a vital challenge rabbis and community leaders face.
The Mediation and Conflict Resolution Course, specifically tailored for community rabbis,
equips participants with the knowledge and tools needed to mediate disputes, lead their communities wisely, and effectively prevent conflicts.
The four-month course is led by mediation experts recognized by the Israeli Ministry of Justice.
The CER offers partial subsidies for members participating in this course.
The Talmud states, ‘’If there is no flour, there is no Torah’’, emphasising that without basic necessities,
it is nearly impossible to absorb the teachings of the Torah or experience spirituality.
In many communities, rabbis are required to engage in fundraising to support their institutions and activities.
However, fundraising can be challenging, especially for rabbis who focus primarily on the spiritual development of their communities.
At the CER, we understand the importance of efficient fundraising and offer a comprehensive training course in fundraising campaign management.
This course, led by experts in the field, is available to CER members at a reduced cost.
The course includes personal guidance from specialists to help participants build successful campaigns.
A community rabbi serves as a halachic authority and religious leader and a spiritual and social guide for community members and their families. This role involves nurturing relationships, attracting new members, and promoting active participation. The Community Building Course addresses these essential aspects. This course is led by rabbis and lecturers from the ‘עשה לך רב’ Institute, which has supported community rabbis for thirty years. Specifically designed for European community rabbis, it consists of fifteen Zoom sessions for rabbis and rebbetzins.
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